New date for time change in Morocco


The government of Morocco announced on Monday that Morocco will return to UTC +1 on 31 May, 2020, instead of 24 May, 2020.

Morocco and Western Sahara observe permanent daylight saving time (WAT / UTC +1), except during Ramadan, when GMT is observed. This year Ramadan in Morocco starts on 24 April and ends on 24 May.

Morocco time will change to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) at 03:00 on 19 April, 2020 and back to West Africa Time (WAT / UTC +1) at 02:00 on 31 May, 2020.

Western Sahara keeps the same time as Morocco.

Time now in Morocco:
Time now in Western Sahara:
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) now:
West Africa Time (WAT) now:

See all scheduled time changes for 2020 here:

More time zone news

Martes, Marzo 25, 2025, Semana 13